Find out how to choose the right content marketing agency for your company and why partnering with one could be a game-changer for your success.

What is a Content Marketing Agency scaled

In today’s digital landscape, where engaging content can be the deciding factor between gaining business and losing it, content marketing has emerged as a crucial strategy for success. As a result, content marketing agencies have become increasingly important to help businesses craft compelling content that resonates with their target audience.

But what is a content marketing agency really, and do you need to partner with one to achieve success? We’ll dive into this topic to help you answer these questions for yourself.

What is a Content Marketing Agency?

A content marketing agency is a specialized service provider that focuses on creating, strategizing, and managing content to drive business growth, build brand awareness, and foster customer engagement.

These teams involve skilled writers, strategists, SEO experts, and designers who all contribute a critical piece to the overall picture that creates your content.

The main goal of a content marketing agency is to increase quality traffic to their clients’ websites, leading to an increase in brand awareness, conversions, and business success.

What are Some Content Marketing Services?

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Content marketing agencies offer a range of services designed to grow a company’s online presence and improve their marketing efforts. These services typically include content strategy, content creation, SEO, social media management, email marketing, and reporting.

Content Strategy

Having a fully developed content strategy is critical to seeing success with the content you produce. A content strategy outlines the creation, distribution, and management of content to achieve specific goals. It’s basically the roadmap that will drive your content.

Content Creation

From a fully-developed content strategy comes the creation of that content. This can include developing high-quality, engaging content in various formats such as web page copy, blog posts, articles, infographics, and more.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimizing new and existing content for search engines to increase rankings on search engine results pages is another important piece of content strategy. The best content is virtually useless if no one is able to find it through search engines. This also includes conducting keyword research to determine high traffic and low competition keywords to focus new content creation around.

Social Media Management

Social media is still a big avenue for companies to connect with their customers and target audience. To do this effectively, planning and creating high-value social media content is key.

Email Marketing

Email is a direct way to communicate with those in your database. Writing and developing compelling email campaigns to nurture leads and retain customers is another facet to a well-rounded content strategy.

Analytics and Reporting

Consistently monitoring and analyzing content performance is critical to refine strategies and achieve better results. Using this data to optimize and improve upon content can help your company achieve future success.

How Much Do Content Marketing Agencies Cost?

The cost of working with a content marketing firm can vary widely depending on a number of factors. The agency’s experience, scope of services, and location can all influence the final amount charged to the client.

The way agencies structure their billing is another element that can impact the final price tag on their services. Some agencies charge a monthly retainer, while others prefer to work on a project basis.

Generally speaking, costs can range from a few thousand dollars per month to tens of thousands, making it crucial to align your budget with your expectations and goals. Generally speaking, you won’t see quality content marketing services for less than $1000/mo.

DIY Content Marketing vs Marketing Agency

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Depending on the size of your business, the skills and bandwidth of your current marketing team, and the budget you have to work with, hiring a content marketing agency may or may not be a good fit versus DIY content marketing.

Benefits of Working with a Content Marketing Company

While some businesses opt to manage their content marketing in-house, there are some compelling benefits to partnering with a content marketing agency.


Content marketing agencies are full of skilled experts with specialized knowledge and extensive experience in various aspects of content creation and marketing. This expertise enables them to develop strategies that are not only well-informed but also aligned with the latest industry trends and best practices.

Time Savings

Crafting high-quality content, optimizing it for search engines, and analyzing performance are all time-consuming tasks. By handing over these responsibilities to a content marketing agency, your team can redirect their efforts toward other business activities, such as product development, customer service, and strategic planning.

Quality Content

Producing content that captures your company’s voice and resonates with your audience requires a deep understanding of your brand identity and values. Content marketing agencies’ writers have a keen ability to adapt their writing style, tone, and messaging to mirror your brand, which ensures a seamless and consistent content experience for your audience.


Content marketing agencies offer a high level of flexibility, making them an easy choice for businesses with changing or growing needs. Whether you’re launching a new product, running a seasonal campaign, or expanding your content efforts to new platforms, agencies can quickly adapt their strategies to include these changes.

Benefits of DIY Content Marketing

Not every company has the desire or budget to dedicate to a content marketing agency. Luckily, there are also some pros to keeping this part of your business in-house.

More Control

Opting for in-house content marketing gives you greater control over the creation and distribution of your content. This control allows you to finely tune your messaging, tone, and storytelling to align perfectly with your brand’s identity and objectives.

Cost Savings

In-house content marketing can be a cost-effective alternative to partnering with an agency. By not paying agency fees, you can invest that money directly into your content marketing budget and resources.

In-House Knowledge

No one knows your business better than you. By keeping content creation within your organization, you can tap into the wealth of industry expertise, product knowledge, and insights already at your disposal. This understanding helps produce content that is not only accurate but also reflects your company’s values.

6 Tips on How to Find the Right Content Marketing Agency

How to Find the Right Content Marketing Agency

Although all content marketing agencies generally focus on the same thing, they aren’t all created equally. One agency might have more knowledge about your industry than others, while another content marketing company might have more experience creating the type of content you’d like to distribute to your audience. To find the right content marketing company for your business, keep in mind the following aspects.


If you’re outsourcing part of your business, you’ll want to ensure who you select to manage it is competent and qualified to produce successful results. Look for how long the company has been in business, check their past work, and see if they have experience working in your industry specifically.


Experience alone doesn’t always translate into success. You’ll also want to check out their reviews and reputation online. Look at their reviews on Google and if they have any proof points of past success in the form of case studies on their website. You can also look at roundups of top marketing agencies too.

Strategy for Success

When researching and meeting with potential content marketing firms, be sure they have a clear strategy for achieving success for your business. This should include an overall audit of your current content, with ways to improve what’s already there, and recommendations on how to fill in the gaps of what’s missing.


During your research process, pay close attention to how communicative the agencies are with you. Are they hard to get a hold of or are they responsive to your inquiries? This phase is just the beginning of your relationship, and the way they communicate with you can be indicative of what’s to come. Working with an agency that has great communication can make a night and day difference in your overall experience and success.

Proven Processes

Content marketing firms should have a proven process to help your company achieve success. This goes a layer deeper than their strategy for success by showing you how they work internally to achieve that success. What is their workflow like? How many rounds of revisions will you see? What is the expected turnaround like for certain deliverables?

Clear Business Goals

Before hiring a content marketing agency, you should have clear business goals defined internally to ensure the company you partner with is meeting those goals. What specific goals and metrics are you hoping to achieve through working with an agency? Answering this question will align your research with agencies equipped to help you achieve success.

Why Your Business Should Hire a Content Marketing Agency

Hire a Content Marketing Agency scaled

A content marketing agency can be a valuable partner in developing and growing your company’s online presence. Their expertise, strategic approach, and ability to deliver consistent, high-quality results make them an investment worth considering for virtually any business.

By understanding and setting your business goals, evaluating your options, and determining your budget, you can find the right content marketing company to grow your brand and achieve new levels of success.

If you’re interested in working with an experienced content marketing agency, contact Jack & Bean for a free consultation. We’ll dive deep into the ways we can help you grow your business through high-quality content.

About the Author: Shannon Leigh

Shannon is addicted to books, running, and poodles.

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