In today’s world of oversaturation, it’s imperative your company stands out from your competition in a positive and impactful way. Having a strong brand and brand identity can help you showcase why someone should give you their business.

A strong brand presence can also increase the trust your audience has in your company, make your company more memorable, bring in more customers, and even increase employee satisfaction.

In short, branding is a critical component to all areas of your business.

At Jack & Bean, we leverage what makes your company different to make an authentic connection with your target audience through our tailored branding services.

Our Brand Service Specialties

We specialize in the following branding services. While our branding packages don’t include web design or printed collateral, the style guide, typography/iconography, and marketing strategies of brand identity design are invaluable for the creation of these assets down the line.

Brand Identity

  • What makes your company stand out from your competition?
  • What can a customer gain with you that they can’t get elsewhere?
  • What mission and values drive your business?
  • These questions reveal the core of your brand positioning and identity.

If you’re not sure what your brand identity is, don’t sweat it – we’re happy to explain and help out! Part of our brand identity service is working with you to develop your brand positioning through market research and brand vision planning.

Logo Design

First impressions are everything.

Your logo is usually one of the first touchpoints someone will have with your brand. Ensuring it’s a memorable and accurate representation of your company is critical.

With our logo designs, we have a thorough discovery session to make sure we incorporate your brand identity into your logo. We consult heavily before even beginning any sketches or concepts, to ensure a wide range of creative options are explored.

Whether you’re needing just a logo refresh or a completely new logo design, our skilled designers will develop a logo that reflects your company’s values and personality.

Web Design

Your website is your digital footprint online.

Ensuring your website is cohesive with your brand while also communicating key information to your target audience is a delicate balance to strike.

The brand style guidelines developed for your logo and brand identity act as a strong foundation for the design and messaging of your website.

Graphic Design

Depending on the industry you’re in, you might need printed materials to help leverage your company.

From business cards to informational brochures, we can design any asset you may need, ensuring it’s consistent with your brand identity and messaging.

Our Proven Brand Development Process

Creating your brand doesn’t happen overnight.

We’ve developed a proven process to ensure we capture your company’s brand identity and how you wish to convey it to your customers.

Discovery Session

Knowing more about what makes your company tick helps us develop your brand.

We take the extra time to grow familiar with your business, your team, and your target audience to ensure your brand is reflective of who you are and what you want to achieve.

Logo Development

With your brand identity foundation laid, we start designing your logo.

We take into consideration any inspiration and competitors in your market as well as your company’s unique brand identity.

We provide 2-3 waves of concept sketches to ensure it meets your standards and goals.

Brand Style Guide

Once we have your brand positioning, messaging, logo, and design principles locked in, we put together a brand style guide that employees and stakeholders can use.

This brand style guide will ensure your brand and company are consistently represented, no matter who within your company is showcasing it.

Brand Service Packages to Suit Your Needs

We know every company and brand is different.

Whether you’re launching your brand for the first time, or are refreshing it, we have packages to meet you where you’re at now, and to take you to the next level.

[Insert different package tiers and what they include]

How Branding Can Help Grow Your Business

Brand awareness is one of the most important factors that contributes to growing your company.

The more aware your audience is of your brand and your products, the more likely they are to trust and purchase from your company – and the more likely you’ll be to generate profit.

Although branding can go beyond your company’s logo, fonts, and colors, those are usually the first element of your company a potential customer will see. Having a strong brand identity to make a positive first impression and to stick around in your target audience’s mind is crucial to growing your business.

Branding Improves Your Consistency

Your branding should be consistent – whether that’s on your website, social media, or printed on a brochure. Investing in your branding helps improve consistency by creating a strong brand identity and style guide.

Everyone in your company should be on the same page about your brand guidelines, when and where to showcase your logo, and what colors and fonts to use.

Consistency is the foundation of your brand that can elevate the other items on this list. When your brand is consistent, more people will be able to recognize your company and single it out in a crowd.

Branding Can Create Trust

If your target audience isn’t familiar with your brand, it can be hard to gain their trust.

You can wind up looking like an outsider in the landscape of your industry if there are other more established brands there.

The more familiar people are with your brand, the more trust they’ll have in it. Think about it: would you be more willing to trust Nike or Joe’s Shoes with an athletic shoe purchase decision?

Branding Can Create New Customers

Similar to how the reputation of someone can precede them, the same goes with a company. The reputation of that brand is typically known, even if you’ve never done business with them.

The more people know and trust your brand, the more they’ll be willing to refer people to it.

Even outside of referrals, a strong brand will create more awareness around your company and product. Consumers can detect quality, and it permeates their buying decisions. Someone might think of you first when looking for a product or service to fit their needs.

Branding Benefits Employees

Outside of customers, strong branding can also benefit your employees.

When your employees know your branding and trust what’s behind it, the more satisfaction they’ll have working for you.

Believing in the brand you’re working for helps make it feel less like a job and more of a mission your employees believe in and want to help take to the next level.

You can even invest in brand apparel and merchandise for your employees as a small but additional touchpoint to increase employee satisfaction.

Branding Services For Your Business

We understand how important great branding is to the overall health of your business. If any one part of it is lacking, it can be detrimental to future growth and development.

Whatever your branding needs, we’d love to talk with you about how Jack & Bean can help. Contact us to see how we can grow your business through our branding services.