What is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO goes beyond your website and focuses on elements outside of it that help improve your rankings on search engines.

At the heart of off-page SEO is improving your website’s relevance, authority, and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines — and ultimately the user. This is primarily accomplished through other websites and visitors linking to your website, essentially referring your website to others based on the quality and trustworthiness of it.

The more relevant and trustworthy search engines deem your website, the higher they will prioritize it on their results pages. Their ultimate goal is to create a positive user experience so people continue using their search engine, and so advertisers keep using their platform.

Higher rankings mean more visitors to your website. And more visitors to your website equals more customers.

Our Off-Page SEO Specialties

Implementing a thorough off-page SEO strategy is key to ranking high on search engines. Below are our off-page SEO services to help you reach the coveted top spots on search engines.

Backlink Development

Backlinks are the most important external factor in determining search engine rankings. They are Google’s greatest indicator of the quality of a website page’s content and its relevance to search queries.

Obtaining backlinks properly is difficult and time-consuming. Our backlink campaigns are focused on finding high-quality, relevant, and authoritative domains to link to your website.

Types of Backlinks

There are 2 main types of backlinks we focus on to produce the best ROI for our clients.

Natural links

This type of backlink is naturally given out without involvement from the page owner. For example, a runner writing a blog about their favorite running shoes and linking to their favorite shoe brand.

Manually built links

This link includes activities like reaching out to your customers to link to your website or asking influencers to share your website.

Within these two categories are more specific types of links. Click here to learn more about them.

Guest Blogging

Next to backlinks, guest blogging is the most important off-page SEO activity. Our guest blogging can include outreach, topic development, and writing services depending on the level of involvement from our clients.

Local SEO Optimization

A large part of off-page SEO is developing and maintaining your local SEO listings. This includes claiming and monitoring your Google My Business page, Google Maps listing, and Yelp page.

Branded Mentions

A missing opportunity for many companies is not capitalizing on branded mentions. This is when someone mentions your business but without a backlink. We monitor your online presence to find these branded mentions and develop an outreach strategy to encourage them to link to your website.

Our Results-Driven Off-Page SEO Process

Ranking high on search engines doesn’t happen overnight. It requires a fully-developed strategy and consistent approach. Our off-page SEO services are designed to produce results.

Discovery Session

Our process begins with a thorough analysis of your current SEO health. This includes on-page SEO as both off-page and on-page work in tandem to rank your website on Google.

We also analyze your current SEO efforts to avoid doubling up efforts, thus maximizing the areas of growth opportunity.

Off-Page SEO Strategy Development

After our analysis, we’ll determine where the opportunities for growth are in your off-page SEO approach. This might include a backlink outreach strategy, guest blogging strategy, and / or local SEO development.

Monitoring and Refinement

Once we’ve made some headwinds, we will monitor your progress to mitigate any links lost and decrease in rankings.

Google’s algorithm updates frequently, and SEO is also always changing. We will ensure your strategy is up-to-date and producing results, or we’ll refine our approach.

White Hat vs. Black Hat SEO

There are two approaches to SEO: white hat and black hat. In a nutshell, white hat SEO is optimizing your website and writing content exactly the way Google intended. That is, ensuring you always have the end user in mind and are creating an excellent user experience for them.

White hat SEO guidelines can be summed up fairly easily under Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

Black hat SEO is frowned upon by Google and SEO professionals. It’s essentially gaming the system to trick Google by using quick fixes that ultimately end up hurting your SEO in the long run.

Some white hat SEO methodologies are below.

  • Creating helpful content: First and foremost, Google wants their users to have a great experience so they come back and continue using their search engine.
  • Fast page speeds: If your webpage takes too long to load, that can contribute to a negative user experience. Google rewards websites that have quick load times.
  • Backlinks: As discussed on this page, backlinks are arguably the most important element that contributes to your overall SEO.

If you see a company advertising any of the black hat approaches below, run for the hills. Google will severely derank your website if it notices any of the activities below happening.

  • Link farms: Backlinks are obviously important, but you don’t want just any link. Link farms are when a number of websites all link to each other. This is a big red flag to Google that something is going on.
  • Buying links: Along the same lines of link farms, paying a website to link to yours is also heavily frowned upon.

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