Aerial Drone Video Production in Sedona

Our flexible drone videography services can be heavily customized according to your business needs and artistic vision. We'll make sure to get that "money shot" or your money back!

Sedona Drone Photography/Videography Industries

Our aerial drone photography and videography services are an excellent fit for any commercial application. Whether you're trying to sell a property, plan an expansion or simply want to show off your Sedona location, aerial footage captured with a drone can provide a uniquely impressive perspective.

A staple of successful real estate listings, aerial drone shots of a home and its surrounding neighborhood help solidify buyer interest. Aerial drone shots show off some of the most flattering angles of your Sedona property and are a must for getting top-dollar for your listings.

Construction Drone Services

Get amazing before, during and after shots of your construction projects. Show off your Sedona company’s hard work from unique aerial vantage points and wow prospective clients.

About Our Sedona Drone Pilots

Our Drone Pilots Work Closely with Our Marketing Team

Few full-service marketing agencies in Sedona have in-house drone capabilities and must contract their drone work out. We get a lot of such work from other Sedona agencies who don't specialize in drone photography and videography.

Our Sedona drone pilots are part of our core marketing team. They work closely with our creative department to capture the right type of aerial footage during your shoot, according to the needs of your project.

Have a creative project to discuss? Let’s chat!

phoenix arizona map restricted airspace

Our Sedona Drone Pilots are FAA-Licensed

You might be surprised to find that many of Arizona’s cities and towns lie within restricted airspace where it is illegal to fly a drone without prior approval from the FAA and the related local airport's traffic control.

Having certified remote pilot licenses ensures our competent pilots can request permits to lawfully fly in restricted airspace (14 CFR Part 107).

Such licensure is also required for any business such as ourselves to charge money for aerial services, such as drone photography and videography.

Our Local Pilots Know Arizona

Our drone pilots are based in the Phoenix and Tucson areas and well-traveled in Arizona. They understand region-specific aspects of flying and photography in our desert and mountains, such as weather effects and time of day on our unique lighting interactions.

On top of their superb piloting skills, our drone pilots' local knowledge helps ensure the best footage is captured for your project, no matter where in the state or what time of year.

Pricing for Sedona Drone Photography & Videography

Quick Shoot

  • 1.5hrs on-location
  • Includes all raw footage
  • Edited deliverables quoted separately
  • $1/mile, 30mi included

Half-Day Shoot

  • 4hrs on-location
  • Includes all raw footage
  • Edited deliverables quoted separately
  • $1/mile, 50mi included

Full-Day Shoot

  • 8hrs on-location
  • Includes all raw footage
  • Edited deliverables quoted separately
  • $1/mile, 50mi included

AZ Drone Photography & Videography Locations

We shoot all over Arizona and can schedule travel for shoots anywhere in the state.

Phoenix Metro Locations

Other AZ Locations

Request a Drone Shoot in Sedona

Provide us as much information as possible about your Sedona drone photography and/or videography needs. We’ll follow up within 1 business day.

We also encourage you to give us call at: (602) 805-4420, particularly if you have a remote or out-of-state drone need.

Expected length of shoot(Required)
Will you need any post-production?(Required)
Anything else we should know?