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Custom WordPress Website Developed

seo content marketing services

Keyword Research & SEO Editing

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2100% quarterly organic traffic increase

Identified Solid State’s Marketing Needs

Solid State Operations, a government agency software solutions provider, approached us with a unique challenge. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, they were experiencing massive growth due to demand for their services across many states, particularly in the sector of unemployment modernization.

The company was in need of a new website for online presence and a marketing strategy for authority growth within their niche.

solid state operations staff photo 2022

Developed a Custom WordPress Website

Solid State effectively had no website aside from a minimal placeholder explaining a new site was coming soon. Understandably, it was of highest priority to design and build a website as quickly as possible in order to more accurately convey the capabilities of the company to prospects.

Jack & Bean fast-tracked an informational WordPress website with Solid State’s existing branding guidelines. We also assisted with copywriting for many of the initial web pages. Jack & Bean supported and updated the website regularly post-launch through some rapid changes as Solid State continued its rapid growth.

Researched Keywords for Organic Traffic Blog

The COVID-19 pandemic in particular had created unprecedented unemployment scenarios. Everyone from government agencies to individuals had unemployment problems that needed solving and questions that needed answering. Solid State had mountains of relevant expertise to share with not only their government prospects, but individuals and families as well. 

Jack & Bean performed extensive keyword research for Solid State on a monthly basis to come up with a spread of topics across B2G, B2B and B2C sectors of their niche. The intent was to drive a variety of organic traffic mediums to their site.

Solid State began onboarding internal writers shortly after the website launched, so Jack & Bean’s primary role became researching topics and providing SEO briefs to the client’s writing team. We also performed a final editing pass for SEO best practices before articles were published.

Within just 90 days of publishing, we saw an organic traffic increase of over 2100%, which had come to account for almost 90% of their total website traffic!